Aha, yeh hui na baat! Sher Lock bhai claims to have some sansanikhez khabar on Shahid Kapoor. And the scoop of the day is that the actor was spotted at the international airport late Monday night. What was he doing there? Well, I'm sure you all want to know. well he wasn't shooting for his father's film Mausam or any commercial. He had come to drop Priyanka Chopra. Yes, she was flying off to Brazil, where she will be shooting for her television stunt show for the next three odd weeks. And obviously, Sasha, as he is affectionately called, will miss her till she's back.
So naturally, he had gone to see PC off at the airport, enthuses Sher Lock bhai. Now, it remains to be seen if she will ever drop him when he flies off for another outdoor shooting schedule. Or shouldn't I ask?